Sunday, October 19, 2008

Out and under the stars

Mike Daugherty writes on October 19:

"I heard about Rick and wanted to share this. About 3 years ago I had to do a career project for my 8th grade English teacher and picked astronomer. I went to the planetarium to interview Pat Durell and met Rick but didn't see him again for a few years. At the beginning of this year my friend Rob and I (he now goes to YSU) went to the planetarium a few times. One time in particular sticks in my mind; Durell put on a show about a specific topic (I think it was Mars), and after it was over Rick waited until most of the crowd had left and then turned on the projector and showed the rest of us around the sky. I was able to pick out a few things like Mars and Orion but most of it was new to me and I was absolutely fascinated. I was already interested in astronomy but those trips to the planetarium inspired me to learn the sky and start a wonderful new hobby. I don't think he realizes it but I'll always be thankful to Rick for giving me an appreciation for the night sky and making me want to get out and enjoy it. He will be in my thoughts whenever I'm out under the stars.
Thanks, Mike"

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